Sunday, July 29, 2007

Please Remain Calm...

OK. So we had this really big storm this afternoon. The kids were not freaked out like they are when it's night time. Daddy had a softball game in Morgantown at 4:00, we thought it would be cancelled, but he had to leave to be on time before he got "the call". So it's me, the kids and the dog. Crap. Now what? I know, let's drive around and look at the water. Like I said, we had a big storm and in Fairmont that means flooding. I have fond childhood memories of driving around Buckhannon looking at all the water standing in the Triangle and Moore's. I know. I know. Weird. But what can I say? It did not take much to entertain us.

So I pile the kids and dog into the car. Not that it was that easy. First the dog peed on Avery's floor and I immediately stepped in it which was kinda funny because at the same time the girls were in the attic yelling that the dog had just pooped up there. How many dogs do we have? I cleaned up the pee, cleaned up the poop and said "Get your flip flops on and go stand at the door". Really, how many commands is that? Even the dog could do that. Megan went to her room to find her heels, good grief. Her clothes don't match but she has on her heels. Avery is yelling at the top of her lungs trying to stuff her foot into a shoe that she never wants to wear and of course it is not untied. Now mind you she has 2 pairs of crocs on the floor right beside the "I hate that shoe" shoe. Cameron went upstairs to get his tennis shoes since that is the the only pair he has, well except for his swimming shoes and his new church shoes. He insisted on loading the dishwasher before we left though?! What?! What parallel universe am I living in?

Also, just for fun I thought we would drive through Wendy's for a frosty. The kids got coupons during school for a free one and I thought I would just buy a couple more for Avery and I, not the dog. Good idea right? Really cheap and still fun. Well this involved actually finding the coupons. After we did that we forgot one in the house and did not realize it until we got in the car. Of course. We finally got off Pittsburgh Avenue and headed for Dairy Cream Corner, where it always floods. After a brief look and a few ohhhs and ahhhs we headed to Wendy's. The rain had screwed up the speaker at the drive thru so this took a little while.

Ice cream in hand, we drove around town just a little while longer. There was not much more to see. We headed home and attempted to get out of the car in one piece. Some one was emitting a foul, baby, who knows. After yelling at the 2 big ones to "get your trash out of the car". The dog was not willing to go with Cameron. She had crawled under the back seat, leash trailing and tangling. So here I am holding the leash, a melted frosty, that we had to keep, and I was trying to pry the 3 year old out of the car seat. Finally got her out and she refused to put her shoes on, fine, so what. Picked her up and she yelled "No, I want my shoes!" I Bent over to get her shoes and dumped melted frosty all over the dog! Crap! Did I mention she had a bath twice in the last 2 days? Got in the house and "let the fighting begin". When is Daddy coming home? I KNOW that game got cancelled.

So there ya go, childhood memories being made...where's my xanax?!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I finally found time to check out your blog. You've brought back a lot of memories for me. I can't help but notice your post times. Are you really getting up at 4:30 or 5am to blog???